Mooresville Community Children's Theatre

The Mooresville Community Children’s Theater (MCCT) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to providing theatre, performance, education, production and viewing experiences for Mooresville and surrounding communities with an emphasis on including children ages 6-18.

We believe that theatre can help a child grow in the following ways:

Improves communication skills

Encourages use of imagination

Gives an opportunity to express oneself

Enhances the ability to think critically

Inspires cooperation with others

Teamwork development in achieving joint goals

Helps develop moral values

Nourishes sensitivity

Fosters understanding of others feelings

Provides a safe and welcoming environment

Supports peer acceptance and self-worth

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Find Us

Mooresville Community Children's Theatre

Charles Mack Citizens Center
Mooresville, NC 28115
404-216-8505 phone

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