Wadsworth House

Wadsworth House is a conference and special events facility that provides meeting space as well as plan and coordinate other events. The house was designed by prominent North Carolina architect, Louis H. Asbury, in 1910 and built in 19ll by developer, E.C. Griffith. The Wadsworth House is a two and one-half story frame house sheathed in wood shingles with architectural features of the Arts and Craft Era. It was originally built for George Pierce Wadsworth, a local businessman who served as president of Wadsworth Sons Company, a family business that operated a diverse group of businesses including a hardware store and a baking company.

Hours & Admission

Monday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm. Other hours available by appointment.

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Find Us

Wadsworth House

400 South Summit Avenue
Charlotte, NC 28208
704-332-3050 phone

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