Tom Clark Museum

Thomas F. Clark is the lead artist for Cairn Studio, Ltd. He is the most well-known artist in America today, world renowned for his charming clay sculptures, he is the most talented sculptor in the figurine industry. He creates a wide variety of statues, from imaginative Gnomes and Woodspirits, to various renditions of people from all walks of life, including Great People in History. The irresistibly human expressions of his Woodspirits, Mountaineers, and Seafaring Characters have captured the fancy of collectors though-out the United States, Canada, and Europe, Asia (especially Japan!). Dr. Clark and Cairn Studio have been commissioned to create artworks for a wide variety of businesses and organizations, including The Easter Seal Society, various NASCAR drivers, Lance Corporation, The Boy Scouts of America, The Cub Scouts of America, The National Shriners and Mason Charities, Xerox Corporation, Hospice, QVC, Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation, We're Hear For You, Michigan State, and many, many others. Call 704-892-9213 to find out visiting hours

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Find Us

Tom Clark Museum

131 North Main Street
Davidson, NC 28036
704-892-9213 phone

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