Waymer Center & Park

Located on Holbrooks Road, this recreation center consists of an 8,000sq. ft. indoor gymnasium. The Waymer Center is home to the department's after-school and summer camp programs. The Center can also be rented for a minimal fee. This gymnasium facility is now air-conditioned. To make arrangements for your next family gathering, birthday party, or sports practice, please call the parks and recreation department at 704.766.2220.

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Find Us

Waymer Center & Park

14200 Holbrooks Road
Huntersville, NC 28078
(704) 766-2220 phone

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Parking & Transit

From I77, exit 23; Gilead Rd to Rte 115; Rte 115 South to Holbrooks Rd.; Left on Holbrooks Rd.; 1 & 1/2 blocks to complex; complex will be on right.