Bead Me Gallery

A Popular and unique bead store in Charlotte NC. Bead Me is in the Historic Dilworth neighborhood. Linda Minor, designs one of a kind handcrafted gemstone jewelry. Linda is a jewelry instructor and the owner of the Bead Me jewelry collection. Linda uses her creativity into mediums with fashionable necklaces, soldered bracelets, and earrings. Linda designs the perfect bridal party sets. Linda uses copper colored solder. Copper is a green healthy metal. Linda includes classic pearls, semiprecious gemstones, swarovski crystals, onyx, coral, turquoise, tourmaline, various beads and other materials to create designs with a classic twist.

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Find Us

Bead Me Gallery

2133 Southend Drive Ste 106
Charlotte, NC 28203
704-890-0217 phone

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