Center of the Earth Gallery

In June 2010, Lyons Fine Art Consulting was born. It was created by Ruth Ava Lyons who owned and operated one of the southeast's most important galleries for 22 years along with sculptor Paul Sires. Center of the Earth Gallery was voted Best Gallery by area publications for over two decades, and was highly regarded by critics and collectors for its eclectic selection of museum quality contemporary art.

Lyons Fine Art Consulting continues the history of this award winning gallery by featuring original paintings, sculpture, and glass by over 50 national emerging and established artists in its rotating "Window On Noda", a storefront viewing location located in the heart of the arts district Lyons and Sires pioneered.

In addition to its invaluable assistance to beginning and established collectors, services include Residential, Corporate and Institutional consulting, curatorial, and exhibition juror services. Ruth Ava Lyons offers 35 years of experience in the fine arts as a dealer and as a professional practicing artist. She received her MFA at Cranbrook Academy of Art, and is a Fulbright Fellowship recipient.

The Window on Noda is located at 3206 North Davidson Str. Charlotte, NC

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Center of the Earth Gallery

3204 North Davidson Street
Charlotte, NC 28205
704-375-5756 phone

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