NC Music Center

NC Music Center offers a variety of Instruments to study piano, violin, guitar, voice, drums and more. We offer master classes, workshops, performance showcase for students. Students also participate in national music festivals and receive ratings non performance abilities.Talent developing, vocal coach, audition prep, and more. Just call and ask. NC Music Center is committed to instilling motivation, dedication, and self-expression in students through focused musical study. We believe that embarking on a musical adventure creates avenues of cognitive development and personal triumph. We are dedicated to jumpstarting important qualities that lead to the greatest satisfaction and pleasure in a student's future. Studying music sets the foundation for success in all facets of life. We believe that music is an important building block to life skills like: self discipline, self esteem, team work, cultural understanding, citizenship, and communication, Best of all fun.

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Find Us

NC Music Center

9303 Monroe Road
Charlotte, NC 28270
704-299-9161 phone

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