Sanctuary of Davidson

Kristen Feighery opened Sanctuary of Davidson after a previous gallery owner literally handed her the keys and asked if she could perhaps make it work. Having never owned a buiness before and just recently moved to Davidson, NC with her husband and 2 daughters, she said, "Why not??".

After much prayer and lot’s of advice, she headed for downtown Charlotte with her 3 year old in tow, walked into the first official building she found and asked what she needed to do to start a business. Three hours later…armed with a business license and a grumpy toddler, she was ready to open!

Having been raised in very rural Appalachian Kentucky and being from a family who made thier living in the coal mining industry, Kristen draws upon her humble roots for inspiration. Old time religious themes, including river baptisms, angels and biblical

stories she learned about in Sunday School which influenced her life are all extremely prominent in her art. Her most popluar pieces are her numerous ‘Last Supper’ and ‘Downtown Davidson’ renderings that have been so successful that she now sells them as prints.

Kristen’s dream was to provide a beautiful venue, not only for struggling local artists like herself to display their work, but for people of the community to come to decompress, enjoy themselves, feel at home and be able to purchase beautiful art at affordable prices.

Sanctuary’s strict guidelines for artists requires the work be 100% handmade by them and to be completely affordable. The goal of Sanctuary is to have something for everyone and that anyone should be able to afford a handmade piece of work.

Kristen is so grateful to God for the opportunity to use the talents He has given her to make her community a brighter place. Sanctuary has also recently expanded to included art classes for all ages, girls night out parties and unique birthday parties….. at very affordable prices, naturally!

Sanctuary also supports charities in the Davidson area and beyond including the Davidson/Cornelius Daycare, The Salvation Army, The International Justice Mission, The PIN Homeless Ministry and The Community School of Davidson.

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Find Us

Sanctuary of Davidson

108 S. Main Street
Davidson, NC 28036
704-892-0044 phone

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