Storrs Gallery @ UNC Charlotte

Located in the Thomas I. Storrs Building on the UNC Charlotte campus, the Storrs Gallery showcases professional and student work relating to the curriculum in the School of Architecture and the creative endeavors of the College.

About the CoA+A Gallery System

The mission of the College of Arts + Architecture gallery system is to create lively forums in which the curious encounter the work of global, regional, and local artists through diverse media and dynamic exchanges that are nourished by the intellectual and creative life of the university. Our programming will echo crossovers of the visual arts, architecture, music, theatre, and dance inherent to the College of Arts + Architecture at UNC Charlotte. We seek to provide a haven for experimentation, to invigorate the environments we occupy, and to amplify the means to engage art and design in our community.

Hours & Admission

Monday - Friday, 8 am - 5 pm Saturday - Sunday, Closed

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Find Us

Storrs Gallery @ UNC Charlotte

9201 University City Blvd.
Storrs Hall, 100
Charlotte, NC 28213
704-687-8622 phone

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