Charlotte Ballroom Dance Academy

With over 30 years combined Ballroom & Latin dance experience, owners Zenaida and Bryon Chandler bring the best in dance instruction to the Charlotte area. Having owned and operated the longest running Franchised dance studio in Charlotte, they are now bringing a new spin to the area’s dance community. Winner of numerous National and Regional Teaching Awards as well as Nationally Recognized for their teaching skills and Dance ability.

With a focus on training students to be able to dance with anyone in any setting, not just with their teacher, Zenaida and Bryon are changing the way students learn. Using their vast knowledge and experience, they help students achieve all of their dancing goals in the shortest time and with the least expense.

Zenaida is a former Latin & Showdance Champion and Bryon is a former Open Smooth Champion. But don’t let their Championship status fool you. They are humble, down to earth and very willing to share their knowledge with their students.

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Find Us

Charlotte Ballroom Dance Academy

10916 E. Independence Boulevard
Matthews, NC 28105
704-814-0119 phone

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