Charlotte Concerts

Charlotte Concerts is a non-profit agency that was founded in 1930 in Charlotte, North Carolina. Each year Charlotte Concerts brings five internationally renowned musical performing artists to the Charlotte area. The concert series is used to fund the educational initiatives of Charlotte Concerts, which ensures that students of all students, regardless of their socioeconomic status, have access to music education. 

Charlotte Concerts’ Education Programs :

1. A Musical Showcase: Competition Celebrating Excellence

2. Underwriting Charlotte-Mecklenburg Honors Groups (High School Honors Chorus, Middle School Honors Orchestra, Repertory Honors Orchestra and High School Honors Orchestra, Middle School Honors Band, Middle School Honors Chorus)

3. Incorporating Students into Charlotte Concerts’ Events

a. Student Ticket Opportunities (Free and subsidized tickets for college students)

b. Recognition of Outstanding Student at each concert

c. Artistic Education Outreach (Informances, Master Classes, taking visiting artists into the schools). Provide an opportunity for students to interact on a personal level with classical artists.

d. Student Performances before concerts, at Charlotte Concerts’ events, at Charlotte Wine and Food Weekend events, at non-profit events

4. Funding private music lessons at Community School of the Arts for talented students who need financial aid

5. Providing sheet music for students in underserved schools

6. Student Ambassador Program 

7. Underwriting Union All County Chorus

8. Underwriting summer band camp in underserved high school

9. Donating new, quality music instruments to bands and orchestras in underserved Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools


Hours & Admission
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM *We are always available via email:

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Find Us

Charlotte Concerts

1625 South Blvd., Ste. 202
Charlotte, NC 28203
7045276680 phone

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Parking & Transit
The majority of Charlotte Concerts events are held at Halton Theater at Central Piedmont Community College and McGlohon Theater. Both have ample parking.