Kings Drive Art Walk


Since the fall of 1964, Festival in the Park has brought Charlotteans from all walks of life together to enjoy arts, crafts, music and family entertainment. With the mission of bringing the community together by celebrating the arts, the Festival Board is excited to broaden its reach and to announce a spring fine arts event, the Kings Drive Art Walk. We invite you to participate in our spring event which will be held along the Little Sugar Creek Greenway, a reclaimed natural waterway between East Morehead Street and Pearle Park Way Bridge along South Kings Drive. With a focus on fine and emerging artists, our spring festival on this beautiful and easily accessible venue is an annual fine arts outing!

The KDAW festival is located on the King’s Drive section of the Little Sugar Creek Greenway, a beautiful public space that is open to all in the community.

Hours & Admission
October 30 - 31, 2021

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Kings Drive Art Walk

Little Sugar Creek Greenway on South Kings Drive
600 South Kings Drive
Charlotte, NC 28203
704-338-1060 phone

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Parking & Transit
Directions/Parking View Kings Drive Art Walk in a larger map “Kings Drive Art Walk” is located on the Little Sugar Creek Greenway at 600 South Kings Drive, (at the corner of East Morehead St.), Charlotte, NC 28203. Parking is available all day Saturday and Sunday at/on: Pearle Street Park parking lot Harding Place Greenwood Cliff South Torrence Street Baldwin Avenue Ellison Street Henley Place Please be considerate of the neighbors; do not block their driveways and do not intrude on their property. Police will be issuing citations and or towing for illegal parking.