DrumsForCures :: DRUMSTRONG

DrumsForCures provides facilitated, interactive DRUMSTRONG rhythm events in Charlotte and the surrounding region supporting cancer survivorship, education and research. 

Those in the throes and those who love and support them; drumming in honor of, in memory of and just for the pure joy of it. Individuals, families, hospital staff & teams join in the groove creating a beautiful, rhythmic moment of distraction where healing takes root.

Hospitals, clinics, camps, schools, religious institutions, community & civic groups and numerous health initiatives benefit from the uplifting, collaborative team building and focused intentional activities. 

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Find Us

DrumsForCures :: DRUMSTRONG

1510 Twiford Pl.
Charlotte, NC 28207
704-996-9170 phone

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Parking & Transit
Misty Meadows Farm 455 Providence Rd. S & Ennis Rd. 28173 4 miles south of 485 on Providence Rd. Turn left on Ennis Rd.