Singers of Renaissance

Renaissance is a select group of about two dozen singers committed to presenting high-quality choral music to Charlotte and the surrounding region. The group sings short-form classical music from all periods and genres from the Middle Ages up to the best new choral music from contemporary composers. Although many members are professional or semi-professional musicians (school music teachers, church musicians, or private piano or voice instructors), all singers participate on a strictly volunteer basis and must re-audition each year.

Founded in February 2002 by Robert Pritchard, Renaissance recently completed its fourth full season, capped by another well-received performance at the Piccolo Spoleto Festival in Charleston, SC again at the beautiful and historic St. Philip's Episcopal Church. The group annually presents three main concerts in Charlotte, and typically gives several additional invited performances, including Piccolo Spoleto, a fall worship service at the majestic Duke University Chapel, and special concerts at churches and other venues throughout the Carolinas. We invite you to come experience our choral Renaissance!

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Singers of Renaissance

P.O. Box 9864
Charlotte, NC 28299
704.333.3698 phone

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