Jewish Historical Society of Greater Charlotte

Jewish Historical Society of Greater Charlotte

The Charlotte Jewish Archives (CJA) are a collection of photographs, letters, brochures, scrapbooks, and other printed material documenting the history of the Charlotte Jewish community and Jewish life in the Charlotte area. They also include a small collection of artifacts such as a gym bag from the Amity Club (which existed before Shalom Park was built). One of the most important collections in the Archives is a set of oral history video interviews created under the asupices of the Charlotte Jewish Historical Society. These items are housed within the Library in an environmentally controlled room. The CJA are primarily a research collection and material cannot be circulated because of risk of damage.

The Jewish Historical Society of Greater Charlotte committee, which operates under the auspices of the Levine-Sklut Judaic Library and Resource Center, directs the care of the CJA. Anyone interested in the Jewish history of Charlote is welcome to join the the committee. Please contact the director of the Levine-Sklut Judaic Library and Resource Center for further information.

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Jewish Historical Society of Greater Charlotte

5007 Providence Road
Suite 107
Charlotte, NC 28226
704.944.6783 phone

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