Carole A. Hoefener Community Services Center

Carole Hoefener Community Services Center (CHCSC) was built in 1999. The CHCSC is located at 610 East Seventh Street amongst the vibrant mix-income residential neighborhood of First Ward Apartments. A 36,000 square feet complex which houses:

“Metro Events” a 3400 square feet multi-purpose room is ideal for meetings, special events and much more. The facility can accommodate 300 theatre style or 250 banquet style.

“The Suites at Carole Hoefener” consist of 17 office spaces ranging from small (13 x 12) to large spaces (29 x 12) a conference room, copier and break room for the tenants of the suites.

Learning Center - consist of a general classroom and a computer lab that can accommodate 15-20 people. Available Monday- Friday 8:30 - 5:30 pm $250.00 per day or $50.00 per hour (non-profit rates available)

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