Corrigan & Johnston Casting

C & J's resume includes Feature and Independent Films, Movies of the Week, Industrials, Music Videos, and Commercials. Fully equipped audition studios and office space offer clients a perfect place to audition and review the talent. In order to simplify your life so that you're not spending valuable time searching through individual files, C & J has also implemented a sophisticated computer program which enables us to provide you with a comprehensive list of head shots and data from numerous resources. Operating from a huge data base and enjoying an excellent working relationship with the region's best talent agencies, we have immediate access to hundreds of union and non-union actors, models, and "real people." Making it possible to get the best match between the talent, the producer, and the project. We pride ourselves in being able to find the best talent for your project. We and the entire staff at C & J Casting are professional, resilient, and highly committed to the success of your production. We look forward to working with you!

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Corrigan & Johnston Casting

3006 N. Davidson Street
Charlotte, NC 28205
704-374-9400 phone

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