McGill Rose Garden

The McGill Rose Garden is a living work of art, nestled in an intimate urban setting that links First Ward’s Garden District and NoDa, North Davidson’s Historic Arts District.

This eclectic garden also provides educational programs on roses, gardens, gardening, art and culture.

Although this beautiful public garden offers free admission, donations are requested to tour. Additional financial support from individual, corporate and civic donations is greatly encouraged.

We also offer tours for $2.00 per person ($20.00 minimum). Please call (704) 333-6497 to make reservations.

Hours & Admission

Tues.- Fri. 10-4 April - Sept. Sat. 10-4 Mother’s Day 1-5

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Find Us

McGill Rose Garden

940 North Davidson Street
Charlotte, NC 28206
704.578.2072 phone

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