Central Church of God

Central Church of God was chartered in January 1977. Rev. G. E. Weatherby was Founding Pastor, and four months later Loran Livingston became Pastor.

Beginning with a humble but dedicated membership of 19, no one could even imagine all that God had in store. Soon eight acres were purchased at Central and Kilborne in Charlotte, where the first metal building was constructed. But the building didn’t stop there. As the Sunday morning worship services grew to 1600 in attendance, the facilities were expanded 3 times from 1977 to 1988 to accommodate the growth. Then, in 1988, the present property and facilities were purchased, providing the capacity to grow to approximately 6000 in attendance.

But the richest part of Central’s compelling history has always been its people – who throughout the years have learned that real strength is found in serving and only that which is done for Christ will last.

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Central Church of God

5301 Sardis Rd.
Charlotte, NC 28270
704.364.5003 phone

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