Providence Baptist Church

Providence Baptist Church began in 1954 with a group of young families who had moved to the Cotswold community of south Charlotte. At that time, Randolph Road was only two lanes, but houses were being built and those first families saw the potential for the development of this area of Charlotte and the need for a church. As the community grew rapidly, Providence grew into one of the large churches in Charlotte. In a matter of just a few years, extensive ministries and programs were initiated to minister to the families in this area of Charlotte. And the reach of Providence extended to other areas of Mecklenburg County.

Providence Baptist Church is a vibrant community of faith located in the heart of the Cotswold neighborhood. People come to Providence for many reasons and from different backgrounds, but they stay at Providence because of the life-giving and life-changing relationships they form here. Our common ground is Jesus Christ, and so it’s out of our shared relationship with Jesus that we work together to proclaim God’s love, serve our neighbors, and put our faith into action.

This generous, cooperative spirit has been an essential Providence value since our founding in 1954, just as Charlotte began its long period of rapid growth. Providence grew with the city, and remains today a strong congregation of Christian believers. At Providence, you’ll find a bustling, five-star Weekday Education Ministry for preschoolers, active ministries for children and students, a diverse music ministry, and many opportunities for adults of all ages to grow in their faith as followers of Jesus. We worship as one congregation on Sundays at 10:30am as an expression of the unity that Jesus wants for his disciples.

Five priorities guide our life together at Providence: Engaging our Cotswold neighborhood, blessing the city of Charlotte, making disciples of Jesus Christ, sending apostles out into the world to share the good news of God’s love for all people, and cultivating generosity in every aspect of our lives. This is what we are about at Providence—seeking to be faithful to God and doing our best to live together with Christ at the center.

We would be very glad to welcome you as our guest, introduce you to Providence, and get to know you better. You’ll find that making new friends is a gift that Providence people tend to have. Until then, may the peace of Christ be with you!

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Find Us

Providence Baptist Church

4921 Randolph Road
Charlotte, NC 28211
704-366-2784 phone

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