Art Council of York County

The Arts Council of York County connects people through art, culture, dance, drama, film & music with a vision to create and support a thriving, diverse, and vibrant community in York County, SC. The ACYC promotes visual and performing arts in York County, SC through a wide variety of projects: maintaining art galleries, producing the annual Blues & Jazz Festival and the Underexposed Film Festival yc, presenting a variety of musical concerts, producing performances in the schools, putting on Arts Talk luncheons, giving small grants to local artists and artisans, and many more arts-related activities.  

Centrally located in historic Old Town Rock Hill, South Carolina, the Arts Council has established an arts anchor on two blocks of Main Street. The Center for the Arts, housed in two 100-year-old buildings, is currently home to the Arts Council offices, classroom space, artist studios and three gallery spaces. The Gettys Art Center, also one of Rock Hill’s historic buildings, is home to Downtown Artistry, the Rock Hill Pottery Center, Concerts at the Courtroom, and artist studios, including Friday Arts Project.

Hours & Admission
Mon through Thur 9 am to 6 pm, Fri 9 am to 5 pm, second and fourth Saturday Sat 10 am to 2 pm, second and fourth Sunday 2 pm to 4 pm

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Find Us

Art Council of York County

121 East Main Street
Rock Hill, SC 29732
803 328 2787 phone

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Parking & Transit
Parking is available on the street in front of the building and behind the Center in a large lot.