Carolina ClayMatters Pottery Guild

Carolina Clay Matters, Inc. is a group of Charlotte area ceramic professionals, students and hobbyists working together to promote ceramic art in our community. Our semi-annual pottery sale is open to the public at no charge and has a quality reputation in Charlotte. Its popularity grows every year, and we maintain that it is the very best gathering of local potters in the area. Our members share ideas through mini-workshops, informal discussions, slide presentations and show and tell. We arrange several workshops throughout the year with well known national and local artists. Our annual membership fee is $80 for a family, $60 for an individual and $25 for a student. Meetings are held at in various locations throughout the community the third Sunday of every month unless otherwise noted. Carolina Clay Matters, Inc., established in 1994, is a group of Charlotte area ceramic professionals, students and hobbyists working together to promote ceramic art in our community. For more information please visit our website, or “like” us on Facebook --

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