Why Not Pizza?

Hello there!

We are a family owned restaurant located in East Charlotte. Since our establishment in 2013, our goal has been to serve the community by thinking outside the box. We have made donations to local charities, provided our space at no charge for community events, worked with schools, local vegan & non-vegan events, churches, and more. We have recently begun hosting painting lessons and movie night for a very low cost, plus 10% off and a raffle entry for free tickets. As a family that lives in the area, we know what our neighbors need and want,  therefore we seek partnerships to be able to help the community thrive. 

Thank you!

Hours & Admission
Mon - Sat : 11am - 9:30pm Sun: 12pm - 8pm

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Why Not Pizza?

7008 E Wt Harris Blvd
Charlotte, NC 28215
7045360891 phone

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