Mint Hill Veterans Memorial Park

Located at 8850 Fairview Road in Mint Hill, this park was officially opened in 1997. This park is over 55 acres in size with amenities for all ages. Having two Bermuda soccer fields surrounded by an asphalt bike/roller blade path, the park has attracted the interest of many soccer players throughout the area.


The park also has large restrooms, racquetball and tennis courts, beach volleyball courts, and a nine-hole disc golf course that winds its way through the natural areas of the park. The nature trail is planted with a wide range of plants and trees native to this part of the North Carolina.

Hours & Admission


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Find Us

Mint Hill Veterans Memorial Park

8850 Fairview Road
Mint Hill, NC 28227
(704) 545-9726 phone

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Parking & Transit

I-485 Exit 44 (Fairview Road). Head west 1/4 mile. Park entrance is on Left. Tee one is to the right of the tennis courts as you face the back of the park. - or - I-277 to Hwy 74 east to Albemarle Rd. (Hwy 24/27), 5 miles to right on Willgrove-Mint Hill Rd., 2 miles. Willgrone-Mint Hill turns into Fairview Road when you cross Matthews-Mint Hill Road/Blair Road in Mint Hill town center. Stay straight on Fairview - park is a half mile on right.