KulAva Art, Apparel & Design

Located in Charlotte, North Carolina, KulAva Art, Apparel, & Design is an art-focused, lifestyle brand. Although operational for over 6 years, KulAva was rebranded and streamlined from the ground up in late 2012 and plans to open a retail location in mid 2013. 

KulAva’s mission is to create original artwork and prints that visually communicate on multiple levels and add character to any environment where they are displayed. Our goal is to make custom artwork and design less intimidating for consumers by creating a fun and exciting process that will be capped off by a one of a kind product. We hope to create a variety of decor products, apparel, and accessories with uniquely trendy design concepts that take center stage in any environment – commercial or residential. Our unique creative process encourages customers to think outside the box in order to bring to life visually exciting designs that are both imaginative and captivating. 




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Find Us

KulAva Art, Apparel & Design

2111 Lawry Run Dr. Unit 201
Charlotte, NC 28273
(704) 412-1585 phone

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