The Respite: A Centre for Grief & Hope

The Respite, A Centre for Grief & Hope is for those who have suffered great tragedy, a significant life loss, a trauma, a life-shaking, earth-shattering event or series of events… And, it is also for those who are living with every day losses which are life-changing and life-evolving.

Our vision is to be THE place to come when you are feeling any kind of loss. Using an integrative approach we provide a variety of healing modalities and offer hope to all who need us, with our primary focus being on women’s grief and loss. While our services are available for all who are grieving we have specific programs for women veterans, widows, caregivers and elders. We aim to shift how grief is viewed in the world – moving from shame and isolation to unveiling grief’s transformative gifts.


Our services and programs are about learning to grieve in a healthy, real, and grounded way. We welcome grief and provide hope for tomorrow.


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Find Us

The Respite: A Centre for Grief & Hope

4919 Monroe Road
Charlotte, No 28205
7043724010 phone
7043724010 tty

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