Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Foundation

The Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Foundation exists to help the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library create a community where reading, learning, and imagination thrive.

Created as a non-profit 501(c)(3) in September 2012 in partnership with Foundation For The Carolinas, the Foundation supports the Library’s programs and services through advocacy, fundraising and building relationships with others who share a passion for the Library’s work. The Library Foundation supports library services, expands the Library’s print and electronic collections, enhances programming for all ages, and strives to grow its endowment for future generations.

More members of our community - individuals, corporations and foundations alike - are investing in our libraries and the crucial services they provide to our community. In the last four years, the Library Foundation has been able to raise more than $4.8 million for the Library.

Private support is the greatest endorsement of our belief that free and open access to information can change lives for the better and build a brighter future for our community.

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Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Foundation

310 North Tryon Street
Charlotte, NC 28202
704-416-0800 phone

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