MusicalMinds NC, Inc.

MusicalMinds offers a free holistic, after-school musical program changing the lives of children through music education. Expanded in 2017, MusicalMinds brings the benefits of music to Pre-Kindergarten students in participating Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools. Our students develop social, academic and music skills. MusicalMinds is “inspired” by the El Sistema model introduced in Venezuela over 40 years ago. MusicalMinds provides an effective education based on love, approval, joy and experience within a high functioning, nurturing environment. We focus on children with the fewest resources and greatest need, and is delivered at no cost to participants. MusicalMinds uses music as a catalyst-enabling every child to feel like an asset within his or her community. Students feel an ownership of the music-making process, taking responsibility for both individual and group improvement.

Hours & Admission
Monday - Friday 3pm to 5pm

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Find Us

MusicalMinds NC, Inc.

4215 David Cox Rd
Charlotte, NC 28269
704.438.9751 phone

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