PowerUp USA

Since 1997 Mr. Nichols, has been providing Art, Business, media, science, and technology education to at-risk youth, low-income adults, and dislocated workers. Starting as an approved Job Training Partnership Act training provider ( JTPA), Workforce Investment Act Approved Vendor (WIA), Microsoft Certified Training provider, National Federation for Teaching Entrepurship (NFTE) and Vue/Prometric Testing Center.

In addition, PowerUp USA provides CompTIA A + PC Repair Certification, Web Design, Microsoft System Engineers Certification, and Digital Literacy. Over the years Mr. Nichols has trained more than 700 youth and adults with transferable, 21st-century vocational skills.

We are committed to staying on the cutting edge of hands-on technical vocational education. We continue to research best methods for delivering proven teaching methods and are working to develop partnerships with industries leaders and employers.

The digital divide has caused many disadvantaged youth to be 5-10 years behind in technology advancements and because of cost, families in urban communities are the least likely to be exposed to the technology needed to compete in the 21st century.

We provide media and technology program for in and out of school youth, after-school programs, summer camps, contract training for Low-income adults, dislocated worker and senior citizens. Many of our programs work with youth between the ages of 7-17 years and adults 18 to 80 years. 

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