Redefining Elegance Determination & Desire through the Power of the Arts

Author, poet, and spoken word artist Dionne D. Hunter is on a mission to illuminate the beauty of diversity within the performing arts. She graciously expresses her focus – "We want to make arts and entertainment available to the general population, opening the eyes of the underserved as we, the artists model the fact that everyone can enjoy and participate in the arts.” “Placing an emphasis on the fact that there are more options available to youth than the negative images that are most often seen on television.” Dionne and her insightful team endeavor to showcase community minded, talented artists while providing a high quality, stimulating. educational yet entertaining experiences that inspires all.

  Students involved in the arts are: 4x more likely to be recognized for academic achievement and to join a math or science fair 3x more likely to win attendance awards and be elected to class office” — Americans for the Arts

A posting from Americans for the Arts reveals. "Black and Hispanic students lack access to quality arts education compared to their white peers." In addition, "91 percent of Americans believe that the arts are vital to providing a well-rounded education.



Hours & Admission
Office Hours 6pm til 9pm

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