Arts at the Abbey

A series of artist concerts, performed in the Abbey Basilica, provides cultural opportunities on the Belmont Abbey College campus for students and the community at large. Performers include locally, nationally and internationally recognized artists and ensembles. Previous seasons have included musicians from Germany, Poland, Venezuela, Peru. Italy, England and Australia. Variety is the key element to the series which features programs from classical guitar to flute and harp or 18th century chamber music with voice. The ensemble in residence Carolina Pro Musica, an early music, period instrument group, performs two concerts annually.

 The concerts are sponsored by the monks of Belmont Abbey and supported in part with funds from The Associated Foundation (Belmont, NC), with assistance from Sam Stowe of Belmont, and Karen Hite Jacob, organist for the Abbey Basilica and Belmont Abbey College.

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Arts at the Abbey

Belmont Abbey Basilica
100 Belmont-Mt. Holly Rd
Belmont, NC 28012
704-461-6012 phone

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